British Train Society

New BTS Club Layout
After many years of faithful service, we are embarking on a project to replace our club layout.
The new club layout will be a modular layout, designed to support multiple configurations. This new layout will include the capability to support DCC operation as well as adding additional storage tracks and some operation potential.
For this layout, we will be using Kato Unitrack in place of the former flex track sections. We will also change from hand built custom modules to pre-built laser cut modules. These two changes will simplify the construction and tracklaying. In addition, the trackwork should be more reliable.
The new layout will be built in four phases; each additional phase will increase the size and operational potential and interest for the layout.
The plan is to have the first phase of the new layout completed for the 2025 Great American Train Show, typically held at the Lyon's Township North High School in late March.
The following sections provide additional details on how the layout will grow.
Phase 1
Phase 1 - a roughly 5 foot by 13 foot modular layout consisting of eight modules; four, 2 foot square corners and four, 2 foot by 4 foot scenic modules. The layout includes a dual track oval with some operation potential in addition to continuous running.

Phase 2
Phase 2 - this work adds four additional 2 foot by 4 foot scenic modules that expand the layout to a 13 foot by 13 foot square.

Phase 2.5
Phase 2.5 - this will add a two module staging/fiddle yard. The additional two modules will extend the layout to a 13 foot by 17 foot rectangle.

Phase 3
Phase 3 - this phase will add an additional eight modules, four corners and four scenic. Adding the modules converts the layout to a 17 foot U shape. The additional modules will add scenery sections and additional operating options.