British Train Society

Our Layouts
The British Train Society operates two main club layouts; one OO gauge layout and more recently a N-scale T-Trak layout. Both layouts are modular and British themed.
OO Exhibition Layout
The OO gauge layout is a L shaped sectional layout roughly 12'x16'. The layout is a dual track loop operated as an 'up' and 'down' track. The layout is designed with the outside of the L as the public, scenicked, area and the inside is the fiddle yard area. The fiddle area includes two passing/fiddle loops on the inside of the L; one each for the up and down tracks.

T-Trak Layout
Starting in 2019, the club created a N Scale T-Track layout. The T-Trak layout is designed for those club members more interested in N scale to have a place to run their trains at exhibitions, and to show there is more to British themed model railroading than OO scale.
The club created the first six modules, four corners and two straights. Club members are free to create additional modules and bring them to running sessions and exhibitions.

Trolly Layout
This is an exhibition layout owned by Richard Smyth, and exhibited alongside the club layouts at shows we attend. The layout depicts a very compressed scene with a variety of trollys running on OO track.

N Scale loop
Richard Smyth an avid modeler, and a prolific artist, in addition to the Trolly layout, Richard has a second N scale layout that he often brings to exhibitions. Richard's N scale layout is a small 2 ' x 3 ' layout with a loop of track on the main level and a bus scene on the upper level.